NSS Activities 2020-21

Poshan Pakhwada 2021

Poshan Pakhwada 2021 – 2 Days NSS National Level Webinar on “Prioritizing Nutrition among City Students; Khane ko Pehechano!”

Name of the EventPoshan Pakhwada 2021 - 2 Days NSS National Level Webinar on "Prioritizing Nutrition among City Students; Khane ko Pehechano!"
Organised byOrganized by University of Mumbai National Service Scheme in joint venture with the NSS Bureau, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha
Host College: The NSS Unit of Mahatma Education Society's Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur, Mumbai 400 071
Objective of the sessionTo understand the importance of nutrition and its impact on health in the long run.
To discuss the growing incidence of anaemia among city students and its implications on health
Date & Time of the ProgramTuesday 30th March, Wednesday 31st March, 2021
4.00 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. (on both days)
Resource Person1. Mr. Anwar Shaikh, Nutrition Practitioner and Health and Fitness Coach and Speaker, Proprietor, The Monks of Fitness, Mumbai Mobile: 9619959707 Email: themonksoffitness@gmail.com
2. Ms. Madhuri Somani, Registered Dietician PKC Hospital, Plot No. 57, Sector - 15 A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 705 Mobile: 9820473599 Email: madhuridaga@yahoo.com
AudienceNSS volunteers, Programme Officers, teachers, Principals, teachers from Universities pan India
No of ParticipantsApproximately 2000 participants on YouTube
280 participants joined live on YouTube and Zoom
Organizing TeamWebinar Chairperson: I/C Principal Dr. Eknath Zhrekar
Mobile: 9224151450
Email: eknathzhrekar@mes.ac.in

Webinar Co-Chairperson
Director Dr. Sudhair Puranik
Mobile: 8149251616
Email: sudhirpuranik@mu.ac.in
Will host event on Zoom platform and go live on YouTube

Webinar Co-Chairperson
Dr. Amulya Kumar Acharya
Programme CoordinatorNSS
NSS Bureau, Fakir Mohan University, Balasore, Odisha

Programme Convener:
NSS PO Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lata Krishnan
Mobile: 9819930769
Email: lata@mes.ac.in

Programme Co-Convener:
NSS PO Asst. Prof. Dr. Anaya Markandeya
Mobile: 9619311228
Email: anayam@mes.ac.in

NSS Leaders
Laxman Suwasia T.Y. B.Com. - 8850368067
Kanchan Ghagh S.Y. B.Com. - 9769473892
Tasmiya Shaikh F.Y. B.Com. - 9136726352
No of BeneficiaryApproximately 2000 participants on YouTube

Day 1 – Talk on “Nutrition – Health and Fitness” Talk given by Ex-NSS Volunteer, Nutrition Practitioner and Health and Fitness Coach and Speaker, Mr. Anwar Shaikh Proprietor, The Monks of Fitness, Mumbai

Day 2 – Talk on “Fighting the battle of Anaemia” Talk given Registered Dietician PKC Hospital, Vashi Ms. Madhuri Somani

The Host of the event for both days was NSS PO Asst. Prof. Dr. Anaya Markandeya.

The event was streamed live on Mumbai University YouTube Channel.

DAY 1: Opening Remarks were delivered by Shri Sudhir Puranik NSS, Director University of Mumbai. In his message he explained the significance of Poshan Pakhwada and the joy of conducting such a mega event along with Fakir Mohan University NSS Bureau and the NSS Unit of Mahatma NIght Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur, Mumbai. Dr. Eknath Zhrekar I/C Principal of the college welcomed the august gathering and thanked the organizers for the opportunity to host this national level NSS webinar on the occasion of Poshan Pakhwada 2021.

The Mumbai University song was played and all the participants stood up for the song. This was followed by an address from Dr. Amulya Kumar Acharya, Programme Coordinator, NSS Fakir Mohan University, Odisha. Sir explained about the scope of Poshan Pakhwada and his joy of connecting with NSS Cell of Mumbai University under the banner Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat for celebrating this Poshan Pakhwada. Asst. Prof. Tushar Pawar introduced the resource person Mr. Anwar Shaikh, Nutrition Practitioner and Health and Fitness Coach and Speaker, Proprietor, The Monks of Fitness.

Resource Person Anwar Shaikh is an alumni and Ex-NSS volunteer of the college. He delivered his session using a a powerpoint presentation. His topic was “Nutrition – Health and Fitness.” With a lot of examples he explained how one must eat food that is available locally and according to ones culture and family practice. Nutrition must be simple and well balanced. Every state has a classic thali that is well balanced. He explained how we must not copy the west and that we must exercise and meditate regularly to have a healthy mind in a healthy body. The question and answer session was handled by Asst. Prof. Harsh Shukla and Library In-charge Ms. Parveen Arif. Several interesting questions were handled by the resource person to the satisfaction of the participants. Important announcements regarding feed back forms and participation certificates were made. The vote of thanks was proposed by the convener of the event NSS PO Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lata Krishnan. The event ended with the national anthem.

DAY 2: The lively host Asst. Prof. Dr. Anaya Markandeya invited Dr. Amulya Kumar Acharya, Programme Coordinator, NSS, Fakir Mohan University, Odisha for the opening remarks.

Sir spoke about the importance of a balanced diet and a fit mind and body. He spoke about the herb garden that he had started and also the importnace of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and thier impact on health.

The Mahatma Education Society video was played and the participants got an opportunity to appreciate the contribution made by Mahatma Education Society to society, over a period of 50 years.

After the Mumbai University song Mr. D. Carthequeane, Regional Director, Maharashtra and Goa adressed the gathering. In his address he commended the efforts of the organizers and expressed his happiness to participate in the Poshan Pakhwada 2021 which is an initiative of the Central Government.

Asst. Prof. Harsh Shukla introduced the resource person Ms. Madhuri Somani, Registered Dietician PKC Hospital, Plot NO. – 57, Sector – 15 A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400 705.

Ms. Madhuri explained with the help of a power point presentation. Her topic was “Fighting the battle of Anaemia” With the help of data and examples Ms. Madhuri spoke about how iron defficiency related anaemia occurs. The cycle of an anaemic mother leading to low weight and pre-mature babies was explained. Fatigue, listlessness, irritability, low concentration (drop in acedemic performance for students) are some of the symptoms of anaemia. She explained how an iron rich diet must be taken to fight anaemia.

The question answer session was handled by Asst. Prof. Tushar Pawar and Ms. Parveen Arif. Dr. D. N. Gaikwad, Registrar University of Mumbai addressed the gathering and congratulated the organizers for an excellent Poshan Pakhwada 2021 event.

Concluding remarks were given by Mr. Nikhil Karkhanis, Mulund College of Commerce, NSS, District Coordinator, Central Suburban and Navi Mumbai Zone University of Mumbai.

The vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Kanchan Lotale, Gurukul College of Commerce, NSS Area Coordinator, University of Mumbai.

The event ended with the national anthem.

NSS Webinar on “Two Wheels One Life - Safe Rider Training Session”

NSS Webinar on “Two Wheels One Life – Safe Rider Training Session”

Name of the EventNSS Webinar on "Two Wheels One Life - Safe Rider Training Session"
Organized byThe NSS unit of the college organized the event. It was an initiative of United Way Mumbai under the aegis of United For Road Safety, Supported by FiA FOUNDATION, Managed by Global Road Safety Partnership
Objective of the sessionA three hour training session on road safety for two-wheeler riders.
To inform students about the danger and risk involved in negligent riding.
To understand the importance of safe riding.
Resource PersonMr. Cyril Gaikwad, Trainer for United Way Mumbai, Mr. Rohit Dalvi, Trainer Partner for United Way Mumbai
Date & Time of the Program31st July, 2020 at 3.00 p.m. - 6.00 p.m.
VenueZoom Webinar
Date & Time: 31st July, 2020 at 2.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
United Way Mumbai is inviting you to a scheduled 2W1L - Safe Rider Training on Zoom meeting
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99594247084?pwd=UXJzYnRNUmJUZWV0V2pveHpFbGxRUT09
Meeting ID: 995 9424 7084 Passcode: 415002
No. of Participants97 students of MNDC registered for the event
No. of Beneficiary97 MNDC students, NSS POs and teachers

NSS Webinar on “Two Wheels One Life – Safe Rider Training Session” started on time. NSS Leader Laxman Suwasia welcomed the resource persons, Principal, teachers and participants. In his opening remarks NSS Leader expressed the importance of Safe Riding and the need for a training session. He introduced the resource persons Mr. Cyril Gaikwad and Mr. Rohit Dalvi who were trainers and also experienced and trained riders. The session began with a pre-training quiz where the awareness level of the participants was captured. Mr. Rohit Dalvi made a lucid presentation which was packed with videos, pictures, statistics and facts, about the common mistakes committed by two-wheeler riders. The rules for safe riding were clearly put out and all the facts were delivered clearly. A variety of topics ranging from road rules, safety rules, how to purchase a helmet, importance of a helmet, driving and road symbols and their meaning, driving language, what causes accidents, drunken driving, mobile phones cause accidents while driving etc. Every fact was presented with a video and real life examples. They explained how speeding can be risky. All the DO’s and Don’ts regarding two-wheeler driving was clearly explained with illustrations.

The session was interactive and students were invited to ask questions as the training progressed. The students were given a post-training quiz which they had to take. The objective of this quiz was to assess the knowledge gained by the students post the training session. They filled a feed-back form and received certificates of participation.

NSS Leader Laxman Suwasia proposed the vote of thanks after which the National Anthem was played. The training programme ended with grid photographs taken of participants.

NSS Programme Officers Dr. Anaya Markandeya, Dr. Lata Krishanan and NSS Team Teacher Support Ms. Parveen Arif worked together with the NSS Leaders and volunteers to conduct a successful NSS Webinar. United Way Mumbai, the resource persons Mr. Cyril Gaikwad and Mr. Rohit Dalvi was thanked for their contribution. The Management of the College, the College Principal, technical team, Mr. Sanjay Singh for DTP support, teachers and the enthusiastic student participants were acknowledged for their contribution to the successful event.

Blood Donation Camp

Blood Donation Camp

Name of the EventNSS Blood Donation Camp
Organized byNSS Unit of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur in association with J.J. Mahanagar Blood Bank, Byculla, Mumbai
Objective of the sessionBlood Donation Camp - Collection of maximum units of blood was the objective of this camp
Contact PersonMrs. Neeta Dange,
P.R.O., J.J. Mahanagar Blood Bank, Byculla, Mumbai
Date & Time of the Program6th November, 2020 at 2.00 p.m. - 8.00 p.m.
VenueMobile air conditioned blood donation van was parked near Diamond Garden, Chembur, Mumbai 400 071
No. of Participants50 participants. (10 NSS Volunteers, 6 technicians including P.R.O.) One NSS Programme Officer and 33 students volunteering to donate blood.

Since the Covid-19 lockdown did not allow for a blood donation camp to be organized in campus, the NSS unit of the college organized a mobile blood donation camp on Friday 6th November, 2020 from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. The J.J. Mahanagar Blood Bank brought an air conditioned mobile van where donors could very comfortably donate blood.

The team from J.J. Mahanagar Blood Bank comprised of P.R.O. Mrs. Neeta Dange, One doctor and 4 technicians. They were supported by 10 NSS volunteers who put up banners marking the Blood Donation Camp. Placards were held by volunteers directing people towards the camp.

The Covid-19 Pandemic posed challenges to the Blood Donation activity as dondors were sceptical regarding the safety factor during blood donation. This is a sad predicament inspite of the fact that blood units are of utmost requirement in these difficult times of medical emergencies.

Students from College, friends and outsiders visited the camp and volunteered to donate blood. After checking and following SOP for blood donation, units of blood were collected.

12 units of blood were collected in all during the camp. We observed that while over 50 persons volunteered to donate blood only 12 people could succeed in the activity. This was because most of the girls who came forward were anaemic. Many of the boys and girls had low blood pressure. Many students were under-weight. Some of them were on medication and recovering from illness etc.

During the camp we received calls and messages of commendation from the Principal, teachers, students and MU NSS Director Shri. Sudhir Puranik. Puranik Sir said, “Every unit of blood collected is precious during this Covid-19 Pandemic period, Well done Mahatma Night Degree College NSS Volunteers!”

The NSS Volunteers worked sincerely and enthusiastically. Tea and snacks were given to blood donors and the team of organizers.

The J.J. Mahanagar Blood Bank awarded a certificate of appreciation to the NSS Unit of the college, which the NSS Leader Laxman Suwasiya received along with the team of volunteers. It was a moment of joy and gratifiation of a NSS Blood Donation Camp successfully completed.

Blood Donor Awareness Quiz: World Blood Donor

Blood Donor Awareness Quiz: World Blood Donor

Name of the EventBlood Donor Awareness Quiz: World Blood Donor Day
Event TypeOnline Quiz quiz organized by the MNDC NSS Unit
Date & Time of the Program15th June, 2020
The online quiz was released on social media. WhatsApp carried the quiz to the students and community
VenueSocial Media carried the Quiz
No. of Participants106 students took the quiz until 22nd June, 2020
Objective of the sessionTo thank and acknowledge and celebrate the contribution of Blood Donors. To bust myths regarding blood donation and to present facts about it, thereby motivating people to donate blood. ‘Safe Blood Save Lives’
No. of Beneficiary106 students took the online quiz on Blood Donor Awareness and received certificates of participation for the same

The MNDC NSS Unit organized a Online Quiz to mark the celebration of World Blood Donor Day on 14th June, 2020.

An online quiz using google forms was created with 10 questions on the topic Blood Donation. The questions aimed at celebrating and commending the contribution made by blood donors. It busted myths and presented facts regarding blood donation. It was a good mix of easy, difficult and technical questions.

The online quiz was released in the WhatsApp group of the students of MNDC and shared in the NSS official group of the college. This quiz was released in the NSS WhatsApp group of the Mumbai University.

National Level Webinar on “Activities Post Covid-19 Lockdown, NSS & NCC, The Road Ahead…”

National Level Webinar on “Activities Post Covid-19 Lockdown, NSS & NCC, The Road Ahead…”

Name of the Event National Level Webinar on “Activities Post Covid-19 Lockdown, NSS & NCC, The Road Ahead…”
Organised byThe NSS and NCC Units of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce Jointly with N.G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College of ASC, Chembur and Mulund College of Commerce, Mulund
Chief GuestDCP Manjunath Singe, Mumbai Police
Resource PersonNSS DO District Officer, Central suburban and Navi Mumbai Region Asst. Prof. Nikhil Karkahnis from Mulund College of Commerce, Mulund
Captain Dr. Sunil Kadam, NCC Incharge, N. G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College of ASC, Chembur
Date & Time of the Program22nd June, 2020 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
VenueWebinar Link
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 974 4161 0673
Password: 5GYJgb
Click here for registration: https://forms.gle/yXYSuRDEdc1g3S158
Open this link to join event WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/B7jwSjZ2odqEUuemDiObpU
No. of ParticipantsOver 500 participants through Zoom meet joined the webinar.
Objective of the sessionThe Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown period has posed new challenges not only for curricular activity but also for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The uncertainity and economic slow down has lead to stress, anxiety and depression. Due to unemployment and poverty we see a rise in the incidents of crime in society. Thiefs, conne men and gangsters are doing the rounds.. Our enemy is not just this spreading Corona virus but the many evils that have emerged from it. We are in a dilemma! To make things worse we have attacks on our national boundaries.
This webinar aimd at understanding the problems specific to the implementation of NSS and NCC activities in these times of tension, social distress and social distancing.

The webinar started with the Mumbai University Song followed by the Opening Remarks made by Associate Professor Dr. Lata Krishnan NSS Programme Officer and NCC Incharge of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur.

Principal Dr. Padma Rangan made the welcome address and the collaborating college Principals Dr. Vidya Gouri Lele, Principal of N. G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College of ASC Chembur and Dr. Sonali Pednekar, Principal addressed the gathering.

The Chief Guest for the event was DCP Manjunath Singe, Mumbai Police. Currently being in the thick of things he shared with us ground realities that set the background for the theme of our webinar.

Very clearly he said that the Covid-19 pandemic is here to stay and that India has not yet hit the peak. The unlockdown phenomenon has caused new challenges and the police are finding it very difficult to maintain law and order during these difficult and confusing times.

He narrated the incidents of migrant labour in Bandra station and the challenges the police department had to face. While giving us a clear picture of the situation he welcomed the NSS volunteers and NCC cadets to join the police force in linking the haves and have-nots so that help is received by the needy and the those who want to help get the correct target audience. While concluding he revealed that he too was tested positive for Covid-19 and was in quarantine. His words inspired us and we commended him and his team, the police force for being true Covid-19 Warriors!

The NSS song and NCC song were played before the NSS and NCC segments of the webinar Our Resource Persons NSS DO District Officer Central Suburban and Navi Mumbai, Asst. Prof. Nikhil Karkhanis of Mulund College of Commerce, covered the NSS domain. He made a power point presentation where he listed out NSS activities during the Covid-19 lockdown period and also listed projects that NSS volunteers could take up post the Covid-19 lockdown period. Very interesting projects of engaging school children with online games. Engaging with the old, eldere in the neighbourhood (community) by reaching out to them, running errands, talking to them, were a few interesting projects among several others that he explained in his presentation.

Captian Dr. Sunil Kadam of N. G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College, covered the NCC domain. He clearly explained how the discipline and unity of NCC would be very useful during this time of distress. Since the NCC cadets are trained it is very easy to incorporate them in the Covid-19 warriors team along with the police force.

The webinar ended with a question answer session, summary made by Asst. Prof. Rajeev Bhatt of N. G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College of ASC Chembur. The vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Parveen Arif. The National Anthem was played.

Webinar on Disaster Management

Webinar on Disaster Management on 3rd February, 2021

Name of Event Webinar on Disaster Management
on 3rd February, 2021 - NSS Activity
Organized byNSS Unit of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur Mumbai - 71
Objective of sessionThe Disaster Management webinar gave the students an understanding of how disasters happen and presented the strategies, methods and techniques for preparing to face disasters and manage them ensuring minimum damage of material and loss of life.
Resource PersonAsst. Prof. Ms. Vani Achari
Date & Time of ProgramWednesday 3rd February, 2021
7.00 p.m. to 8.50 p.m.
AudienceWebinar organised for all the students of MNDC F.Y.B.Com, S.Y.B.Com. and T.Y.B.Com.
No of Participants68 students
Event CoordinatorNSS PO Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lata Krishnan
No of Beneficiary68 students of MNDC

Asst. Prof. Ms. Vani Achari explained the meaning of the term Disaster Management. There was an interesting discussion on whether the Covid-19 pandemic could be defined as a disaster or a global health crisis. The resource person gave a detailed presentation on the types of disasters and explained the concept of Biological warfare. Videos of how to help ones self and others in a disaster situation were shown. This gave the audience a clear picture of the do’s and don’ts during a disaster. First aid kit and what goes into it. Storing food (dry fruits) and water and the importance of team work during a disaster.

After the opening remarks by the convener of the session NSS PO Dr. Lata Krishnan, NSS PO Dr. Anaya Markandeya introduced the Chief guest and the national anthem was played at the end of the session.

Interactive session – Powerpoint presentations, videos and sharing of real life disaster management stories, techniques and methods of managing disasters gave the students an opportunity to learn, think, interact and ask questions.

United for Road Safety Project

United for Road Safety Project on 5th & 8th February, 2021

Name of Event United for Road Safety Project on 5th & 8th February, 2021 - NSS Activity
Organized byNSS Unit of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur Mumbai - 71
Objective of sessionTo spread the message of Road Safety and to mark the Road Safety month
NGO PartnerPartnered with United Ways
Date & Time of Program5th and 8th February, 2021
8.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. on both days
AudienceThe traffic (drivers of heavy and light vehicles on Sion Trombay Road, Chembur Naka, Chembur, Mumbai - 7 and pedestrians)
No of Participants32 NSS volunteers (16 volunteers each day)
Event CoordinatorNSS PO Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lata Krishnan
No of Beneficiary32 NSS volunteers helped to disseminate the message to numerous passers bye on the busy Sion Trombay highway.

The Road Safety Project marked the Road Safety month by participating in a live projects on 5th and 8th February, 2021 an active road safety campaign. NGO Partner United Ways brought to us the UNITED FOR ROAD SAFETY PROJECTS giving us the opportunity to spread the message of road safety.

16 NSS volunteers of Mahatma Night Degree College gathered on the busy Sion Trombay highway at Chembur Naka with placards, neon jackets and banners to disseminate the message of road safety.

United for Road Safety Project – Day 1. Road Safety Message disseminated from 8.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. on 5th February, 2021. Placards displayed and demonstrations made on the busy Chembur Naka junction spreading the message of Road Safety.

United for Road Safety. Day 2. Road Safety Project. Road Safety Message disseminated from 8.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. on 8th February, 2021.

Placards displayed and demonstrations made on the busy Umarshi Bappa Chowk, Near Guru Prasad Bar, Sion Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai-71, spreading the message of Road Safety.

E-Waste Collection Drive

E-Waste Collection Drive on 6th February, 2021

Name of EventE- Waste Collection Drive - An NSS Activity
Organized byNSS Unit of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur Mumbai - 71
Objective of sessionTo make the E-Waste Free Environment
Date & Time of ProgramE-Waste Collection Drive on 23rd January, 2021 to 5th February, 2021
Submission of collection on 6th February, 2021
No of Participants11 NSS volunteers
Event CoordinatorNSS PO Asst. Prof. Dr. Anaya A. Markandeya

NSS Unit of University of Mumbai with MCGM declared an E-Waste Collection Drive between 23rd to 30th January, 2021. NSS Units of colleges under University of Mumbai were instructed to collect the maximum E-Waste from home, neighbours, areas adhering to the Social Distancing Rules. 11 NSS volunteers of Mahatma Night Degree College collected 500 grams each of E-Waste and kept with themselves. On 4th February, 2021 as per the directions of District Coordinator the E-Waste was submitted at Shree Narayan Guru College, Chembur.

Due to short notice three volunteers could submit the E-Waste by 9.30 a.m. at the college. Total three kgs of E-Waste was submitted by the volunteers. Mr. Laxman Suwasiya coordinated led the project successfully.

National Youth Day Celebrations

National Youth Day Celebrations on 12th January, 2021

Name of the Event National Youth Day Celebrations
Organized byThe RRC Red Ribbon Club of the MNDC NSS unit.
Objective of the sessionTo remember Swami Vivekananda on his birth day and understand the ideals for which he stood.
Channelizing youth for nation building by bringing about Aids Awareness through an 'AIDS AWARENESS PROJECT'
Resource PersonNSS Programme Officer - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lata Krishnan
Date & Time of the Program12th January, 2021 from 3.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.
VenueGround floor multipurpose hall of the college campus
No of Participants25 NSS Volunteers
No of Beneficiary 25 NSS Volunteers

The theme for National Youth Day was “Channelizing Youth for Nation Building”

Dr. Lata Krishnan volunteered to be the resource person for the event.

The resource person addressed the students and spoke to them about Swami Vivekananda and the ideals for which he stood. The students were motivated by the information.

She announced a poster making competition, video making competition and Wall of life activity.

Students wrote messages on the theme “Aids Awareness” and also collected messages from teachers who were present in college. All the messages were put up on the “Wall of Life”. The messages were later read out by the volunteers.

25 volunteers enthusiastically participated in the poster making competition and 5 videos were prepared and submitted on the theme “Aids Awareness” by the volunteers.

The event ended with group photographs. Volunteers proudly stood with their posters and shared their message on Aids Awareness.