Seminars and Conferences 2021-22

National Level Multidisciplinary E-Conference 2021 on “Resilient India: The New Way Forward”

Name of the EventA One Day National Level Multidisciplinary E-Conference 2021 “Resilient India: The New Way Forward”
Organized byIQAC of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce
Objective of the sessionObjective of the conference is to move beyond the basic facts andunderstand the dynamics and challenges faced by the globaleconomy due to COVID-19 pandemic since last year. Our aim is toprovide aplatform that is multi-disciplinary to discuss theavenues andopportunities to be explored by Resilient India after pandemic situation.
Date & TimeThursday, 16th December, 2021
9.00 a.m. To 4.00 p.m.
VenueMES ZOOM Platform
Chief GuestDr. B. N. Gaikwad
Principal, KG Uran College of Commerce and Arts, Uran-Raigad, New Mumbai
Advisory CommitteeDr. Kishore Peshori
Principal, MMK College, Bandra, BOS member Accountancy, Recognised Ph.D. Guide, University of Mumbai

Dr. (Mrs.) Kishori J. Bhagat
Vice Principal, Pragati College of Arts and Commerce, Dombivli, BOS member Commerce, Recognised Ph.D. Guide, University of Mumbai

Dr. Parag Karulkar
Assistant Professor, Konkan GyanpeethUran College of Commerce and Arts, Uran, Recognised Ph.D. Guide,
University of Mumbai

Dr. (Mrs.) Archana K. Prabhudesai
Assistant Professor Dept. of Commerce, Coordinator, B.Voc., N.G. Bedekar College of Commerce (Autonomous), Thane

Dr. Lata Menon
Principal & Deputy CEO, Pillai HOCL College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Rasayani

Dr. Gajanan Wader
Principal, Pillai College of Art, Commerce and Science (Autonomous), New Panvel, Recognised Ph.D. Guide, University of Mumbai

Dr. Reni Francis
Principal, Pillai College of Education and Research, Chembur, Recognised Ph.D. Guide, University of Mumbai
AudienceTeachers, Research Scholars and Students from all faculty
No. of Participants66
No. of Research Papers Published41
Name of The Research JournalROYAL
An International Multidisciplinary Half-Yearly Research Journal
ISSN No 2278-8158
Peer Reviewed Referred UGC Listed Journal
Impact Factor 5.756
Event CoordinatorAsst. Prof. Dr. Anaya Aditya Markandeya, IQAC Coordinator
No. of Beneficiary66

A One Day National Level Multidisciplinary E-Conference was organized by the IQAC of Mahatma Night Degree College of Commerce on Thursday, 16th December, 2021.

The theme of the conference was Resilient India: The New Way Forward. Entire world witnessed the social and economic threat and challenges during the period of 2020-21 due to COVID-19 pandemic. However, this challenge had been converted into new opportunities and avenues in various sectors like education. India in particular has been proved to be a resilient in all difficult situations. Thus, research papers on this resilience during pre and post pandemic period.

Dr. B. N. Gaikwad, Principal KG Uran College of Commerce and Arts was the Chief Guest for the event.

Dr. Kishori Bhagat, Vice-Principal Pragati College, Dombivli and Dr. Lata Menon, Principal & Deputy CEO, Pillai HOCL College of Arts, Scienceand Commerce, Rasayani shared motivational speech on the occasion.

Programme Schedule

Opening RemarksIQAC Cordinator
Dr. Anaya Markandeya
11.00 a.m. to 11.10 a.m.
Welcome AddressI/C Principal Dr. Eknath Zhrekar11.10 a.m. to 11.20 a.m.
Introduction of the Chief GuestDept. of Business Economics
Asst. Prof. Harsh Shukla
11.20 a.m. to 11.25 a.m.
Chief Guest AddressDr. B.N Gaikwad
(Principal, K. G. Uran College of Commerce and Arts Uran Raigad)
11.25 a.m. to 11.35.00 a.m.
Keynote AddressDr. Kishori Bhagat
(Vice Principal, Pragati College of Arts and Commerce, Dombivli)
Dr. Lata Menon
(Principal & Deputy CEO, Pillai HOCL College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Rasayani)
11.35 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
Technical Session 1Chairperson:
Dr. Laxminarayan Kurpatwar
Dr. Chandana Chakrabarti
12 p.m to 2 p.m.
Technical Session 2Chairperson:
Dr. Chandana Chakrabarti
2.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Valedictory SessionDr. Lata Krishnan4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.