Students’ Council 2019-20

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Election of Students’ Council 2019–20

‘Student Council Elections postponed till November as per Mumbai University guidelines’

Voters ListNoticeConstitutionMeeting - Report
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Notice of Election of Students’ Council 2019–20

Constitution of Students’ Council 2019-20

Meeting on Procedure of Student Council Elections 2019-20 – A Report

A meeting was organized by the Department of Students’ Development on 9th August, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. in Sir Cowasjee Jehangir Convocation Hall, University of Mumbai, Fort Campus. The objective of this meeting was to discuss the election schedule for the elections of the college student council 2019-20. The meeting was conducted by Dr. Sunil Patil, Director of MU Students’ Development Department. Associate Professor Dr. Lata Krishnan, incharge of MNDC Student Council attended the meeting.

Dr. Sunil Patil discussed the election schedule and explained at great length the nitty-gritties of the election process. Contents of the ballot paper too were discussed. Eligibility criteria of students standing for positions of President, Secretary, RR – Reserved Category Representative, LR – Lady Representative were stated. The CR was to be elected, one from each division and not as explained before, one from each year of the programme. This is because, in big colleges, one programme has 12 divisions in each year. This was new learning and carefully noted down.

The results of the elections pertaining to President, Secretary, RR, LR and names of NSS Leader, NCC Leader, Sports Leader and Cultural Leader are to be uploaded in the Mumbai University website – Department of Students’ Development section. Hard copies of the results of election are to be sent to the Department of Students’ Development office signed by election officer and Principal as soon as the results are declared.

As MNDC is a night college, our query of police protection during election process was answered clearly. Dr. Sunil Patil requested the night college Principals to contact the local police departments for protection on student council election day.

At the end of the meeting a briefing was given about the election of the MU student council. A ballot box will be brought to every college where the college President, Secretary, RR and LR will cast their votes to elect the MU student council.

The meeting concluded with a question-answer session. Members departed at 1:15 p.m.