Name of the Event | “Health & Hygiene Concers during Covid-19 Pandemic" |
Organized by | IQAC of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur, Mumbai |
Objective of the Session |
Date & Time of the Program | Monday 11th May, 2020 |
Resource Person | Dr. Hemi lJasani Consultant chest Physician, interventional Pulmonologist, allergy specialist and sleep medicine specialist practicing in Chembur and Ghatkopar |
Audience | Non-teaching staff of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur, Mumbai |
No. of Participants | 13 participants |
Organizing Team | Webinar Chairperson: I/C Principal Dr. Eknath Zhrekar Programme Convener: IQAC Coordinator Dr. Anaya Markandeya |
No. of Beneficiary | 13 participants |
The webinar began with the opening remarks by the IQAC Coordinator Dr. Anaya Markandeya host of the event. Dr. Anaya Markandeya welcomed everyone for the webinar and spoke about the objective of organizing the webinar. She said that people have several questions pertaining to the health and hygiene factors during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This event was a platform to ask questions and clear doubts. How important is it to follow Covid-19 Safety Protocols?
Dr. Anaya Markandeya introduced the resource person. Dr. Hemil Jasani is a consultant chest physician, interventional pulmonologist, allergy specialist and sleep medicine specialist practicing in Chembur and Ghatkopar area. He has an experience of more than 10 years in the field of respiratory medicine. He is currently attached to multiple hospitals in Mumbai as a Consultant Pulmonologist and Sleep Medicine specialist.
Resource Person Dr. Jasani started his session by giving facts about the Covid 19 Pandemic. He used a powerpoint presentation to explain in great detail all aspects of the Covid 19 Pandemic. He also presented a video to give technical details about how the virus spreads and the initial symptoms experienced by persons infected by the virus. He had answers to the most likely questions. He explained how it is necessary for everyone to take care of their health by maintining and following all the prescribed Covid-19 safety protocols. Mandatory wearing of masks, washing of hands, use of sanitizers, social distancing, quarantining infected patients, staying away from rumours and keeping mind calm. The question and answer session was interactive and the non-teaching staff asked a lot of questions that were answered by the resource person.
After the Question and Answer session, the event ended with a formal vote of thanks proposed by Principal Dr. Eknath Zhrekar.
The event ended with Asst. Prof. Harsh Shukla playing the National Anthem. All the participants stood up for the National Anthem. The host declared the event closed.