Talk on “Organ Donation Awareness”

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Name of the Event Talk on "Organ Donation Awareness"
Date & Time of the ProgramThursday 5th January, 2023
Time: 7.00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Venue Ground Floor Multi-purpose hall of MNDC Chembur Campus.
Resource PersonMr. Shrikant Murlidhar Apte, Founder of v4organ Foundation, Ms. Sanjivani Bhagwat, Member of v4organ Foundation Dr. Poherekar from K.E.M. Hospital
No. of Participants112 students
ObjectiveSpread awareness regarding organ donation, skin and eye donation
OrganizersThe NSS Unit of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur, Mumbai
Programme OfficersAsst. Prof. Dr. Tushar Pawar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lata Krishnan
No. of Beneficiary 110 students attended the talk. 70 boys and 42 girls

NSS Programme Officer Dr. Lata Krishnan made the opening remarks. Principal Dr. Eknath Zhrekar welcomed the resource person and spoke about the importance of the awareness of organ donation.

Mr. Shrikant Apte (Apte Kaka) explained with the help of videos the meaning of organ donation. The concept of “Brain Dead” and the importance of organ donation to help save the lives of people. He stressed on the fact that people are not aware about organ donation and hence there is a shortage of organs like eyes, skin, kidney, liver etc. which could be made available to save lives of people. Apte Kaka said that now the form for registering to be an organ donor was easily available online.

Ms. Sanjivani Bhagwat explained how skin can be donated to help numerous burn victims. Eye donation to children born blind was also explained. She used videos to explain her concepts.

Dr. Poherekar of K.E.M. Hospital shared her experiences and explained various cases where she had participated and the organ donation process had been carried on very successfully.

IQAC Coordinator, Dr. Anaya Markandeya shared her thoughts on Organ Donation Awareness. She explained that while people were aware of blood donation, organ donation is not properly understood. People have various misconceptions regarding organ donation. She took the lead and said that she will register for organ donation and thus inspired the students to register for being organ donors.

NSS Programme Office Dr. Tushar Pawar proposed the vote of thanks. He thanked Apte Kaka and his team for the valuable information shared. He explained his thoughts on the need and importance of sharing facts regarding organ donation and becoming instrumental in taking the mission of organ donation awareness across India.