Sports Report

Sports Report 2019-20

Every year the Chembur campus organizes the annual sports meet for all the institutions of Chembur Campus. This year also Mahatma Education Society, Chembur Campus organized an Annual Sports Meet on 4th and 5th December, 2019 in R.C.F. Sports Club, from morning 8.00 a.m. to evening 5.00 p.m. The incharge for this annual sports meet was Mr. Santosh Patil, Principal Mahatma Marathi Madhyamik Shala.

The following institutions participated in the annual sports meet:

  1. Chembur English High School
  2. Chembur Day Junior College
  3. Chembur English Primary School
  4. Pillai College of Education and Research
  5. Mahatma Junior College of Education
  6. Mahatma Night Junior and Degree College of Arts and Commerce


  • To make students physically and mentally fit and strong
  • To inculcate the sportsman spirit among the students

About Activity:
The Mahatma Night Junior and Degree College students participated in the Annual Sports Meet. The following is the list of events conducted for boys and girls:

For Boys:

  1. 100 Meter Race
  2. 400 Meter Race
  3. Shot Put
  4. Discuss Throw

For Girls:

  1. 100 Meter Race
  2. 200 Meter Race
  3. Shot Put
  4. Discuss Throw

Following are the winners of various events

RankName of the winnersRankName of the winners
100 meter Race (Above 19 Boys)400 meter Race (Above 19 Boys)
1Hemraj Naval1Hemaraj Naval
2Suaa Bora2Ajay Ranesh Gupta
3Prathmesh Bargode3Prathmesh P. Bargode
Shot Put (Above 19 Boys)Discuss Throw (Above 19 Boys)
1Deepak Mandaveriya1Ajay Gupta
2Deepesh Pillai2Ruday Pawar
3Suaa Bora and Ruday Pawar3Macloyd D’mello
100 meter Race (Under 19 Girls)200 meter Race (Under 19 Girls)
1Surekha Bhairu Zore1Sindhu Nair
2Afida Abdullah Shaikh2Afida Abdullah Shaikh
3Arza J. Shaikh3Arza J. Shaikh
100 meter Race (Under 19 Boys)400 meter Race (Under 19 Boys)
1Rohan Nirmal1Rohan Nirmal
2Gaus Shaikh2Jaideep Singh
3Tifail Ahmed3Shahrukh Shaikh
Shot Put (Under 19 Boys)Discuss Throw (Under 19 Boys)
1Rohan Nirmal1Aditya Bhurad
2Shakir Shaikh2Dharmendra Nojiya
3Om Nair and Ashik Khan3Mohd. Mujammil Shaikh
100 Meter race (Under 17 Girls)200 Meter Race (Under 17 Girls)
1Heena Shaikh1Heena Shaikh
2Sneha Kedare2Muskan Mehboob Shaikh
3Asmita Fage3Prerna Rajesh Gaikwad
Shot Put (Under 17 Girls)Discuss Throw (Under 17 Girls)
1Afida Shaikh1Sheetal Jadhav
2Asmita Fage2Muskan Khan
3Ruby Gupta3Muskna M. Shaikh
100 Meter Race (Under 17 Boys)200 Meter Race (Under 17 Boys)
1Jaideep Singh1Manish Kambale
2Manish Kambale2Aniruddha Karunganti
3Sunil Kadam3Jagdeep Kharat
Shot Put (Under 17 Boys)Discuss Throw (Under 17 Boys)
1Arman Khan1Fardeen Shaikh
2Smeet Patil2Smeet Patil
3Jagdeep Kharat3Roshan Sitaram

No. of Beneficiaries:
Following are the number of participants in the above events:

  1. Above 19: 79 (Including Boys and Girls)
  2. Under 19: 153 (Including Boys and Girls)
  3. Under 17: 44 (Including Boys and Girls)