Name of the Event | National Youth Day Celebrations |
Organized by | The RRC Red Ribbon Club of the MNDC NSS unit. |
Objective of the session | To remember Swami Vivekananda on his birth day and understand the ideals for which he stood. Channelizing youth for nation building by bringing about Aids Awareness through an 'AIDS AWARENESS PROJECT' |
Resource Person | NSS Programme Officer - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lata Krishnan |
Date & Time of the Program | 12th January, 2021 from 3.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. |
Venue | Ground floor multipurpose hall of the college campus |
No of Participants | 25 NSS Volunteers |
No of Beneficiary | 25 NSS Volunteers |
The theme for National Youth Day was “Channelizing Youth for Nation Building”
Dr. Lata Krishnan volunteered to be the resource person for the event.
The resource person addressed the students and spoke to them about Swami Vivekananda and the ideals for which he stood. The students were motivated by the information.
She announced a poster making competition, video making competition and Wall of life activity.
Students wrote messages on the theme “Aids Awareness” and also collected messages from teachers who were present in college. All the messages were put up on the “Wall of Life”. The messages were later read out by the volunteers.
25 volunteers enthusiastically participated in the poster making competition and 5 videos were prepared and submitted on the theme “Aids Awareness” by the volunteers.
The event ended with group photographs. Volunteers proudly stood with their posters and shared their message on Aids Awareness.