NSS Activities 2020-21

National Level Webinar on “Activities Post Covid-19 Lockdown, NSS & NCC, The Road Ahead…”

Name of the Event National Level Webinar on “Activities Post Covid-19 Lockdown, NSS & NCC, The Road Ahead…”
Organised byThe NSS and NCC Units of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce Jointly with N.G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College of ASC, Chembur and Mulund College of Commerce, Mulund
Chief GuestDCP Manjunath Singe, Mumbai Police
Resource PersonNSS DO District Officer, Central suburban and Navi Mumbai Region Asst. Prof. Nikhil Karkahnis from Mulund College of Commerce, Mulund
Captain Dr. Sunil Kadam, NCC Incharge, N. G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College of ASC, Chembur
Date & Time of the Program22nd June, 2020 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
VenueWebinar Link
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 974 4161 0673
Password: 5GYJgb
Click here for registration: https://forms.gle/yXYSuRDEdc1g3S158
Open this link to join event WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/B7jwSjZ2odqEUuemDiObpU
No. of ParticipantsOver 500 participants through Zoom meet joined the webinar.
Objective of the sessionThe Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown period has posed new challenges not only for curricular activity but also for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The uncertainity and economic slow down has lead to stress, anxiety and depression. Due to unemployment and poverty we see a rise in the incidents of crime in society. Thiefs, conne men and gangsters are doing the rounds.. Our enemy is not just this spreading Corona virus but the many evils that have emerged from it. We are in a dilemma! To make things worse we have attacks on our national boundaries.
This webinar aimd at understanding the problems specific to the implementation of NSS and NCC activities in these times of tension, social distress and social distancing.

The webinar started with the Mumbai University Song followed by the Opening Remarks made by Associate Professor Dr. Lata Krishnan NSS Programme Officer and NCC Incharge of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur.

Principal Dr. Padma Rangan made the welcome address and the collaborating college Principals Dr. Vidya Gouri Lele, Principal of N. G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College of ASC Chembur and Dr. Sonali Pednekar, Principal addressed the gathering.

The Chief Guest for the event was DCP Manjunath Singe, Mumbai Police. Currently being in the thick of things he shared with us ground realities that set the background for the theme of our webinar.

Very clearly he said that the Covid-19 pandemic is here to stay and that India has not yet hit the peak. The unlockdown phenomenon has caused new challenges and the police are finding it very difficult to maintain law and order during these difficult and confusing times.

He narrated the incidents of migrant labour in Bandra station and the challenges the police department had to face. While giving us a clear picture of the situation he welcomed the NSS volunteers and NCC cadets to join the police force in linking the haves and have-nots so that help is received by the needy and the those who want to help get the correct target audience. While concluding he revealed that he too was tested positive for Covid-19 and was in quarantine. His words inspired us and we commended him and his team, the police force for being true Covid-19 Warriors!

The NSS song and NCC song were played before the NSS and NCC segments of the webinar Our Resource Persons NSS DO District Officer Central Suburban and Navi Mumbai, Asst. Prof. Nikhil Karkhanis of Mulund College of Commerce, covered the NSS domain. He made a power point presentation where he listed out NSS activities during the Covid-19 lockdown period and also listed projects that NSS volunteers could take up post the Covid-19 lockdown period. Very interesting projects of engaging school children with online games. Engaging with the old, eldere in the neighbourhood (community) by reaching out to them, running errands, talking to them, were a few interesting projects among several others that he explained in his presentation.

Captian Dr. Sunil Kadam of N. G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College, covered the NCC domain. He clearly explained how the discipline and unity of NCC would be very useful during this time of distress. Since the NCC cadets are trained it is very easy to incorporate them in the Covid-19 warriors team along with the police force.

The webinar ended with a question answer session, summary made by Asst. Prof. Rajeev Bhatt of N. G. Acharya & D. K. Marathe College of ASC Chembur. The vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Parveen Arif. The National Anthem was played.