Friendship Day and Traditional Day Celebrations 2016

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The students of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce celebrated Friendship Day and Traditional Day on Thursday 11th August, 2016. The programme was organized by the cultural committee of the college.

The objective of this event was to celebrate Friendship day in a traditional manner. Each class selected an Indian state of their choice for presentation. They studied the traditions of the selected state and went ahead with dressing and decorating their classroom traditionally. They brought the traditional food and performed the traditional dance and songs of the state. The third year B.Com. students selected Goa while the second year B.Com. A division represented West Bengal, B division Punjab and the first year B.Com. A division students represented Gujarth and B division Tamil Nadu. While celebrating traditional day they happily tied friendship bands and exchanged sweets to mark friendship day!

The event was celebrated in the class room. The programme began at 6.30 p.m. with the Principal Dr. Padma Rangan and teachers of the college visiting each of the classes. As this was a competition, judges Professor Kaur and Professor Sheetal of the Mahatma Night Junior College evaluated the display, dress, food, music and cultural programmes presented by the classes. There was a trophy for the best display class and trophies for the best traditionally dressed boy and girl from each class. F.Y.B.Com. A division representing West Bengal won the trophy for the best display class. The prize distribution ceremony for this event will be organized on the 31st August, 2016.