Application for Redressal of Grievance/s to College Grievance Redressal Cell (CGRC)

view CGRC Form


1. Role and Functions of CGRC

The CGRC shall exercise the following role and perform the following functions, namely-

  • To receive the applications of the students from the portal available on the website of College/ Institute and process them further.
  • To attend all applications relating to the grievances of the students.
  • To entertain and consider the grievances of the students. It may hear the students in person by giving opportunities of hearing.
  • To hear all the concerned parties and settle grievances as early as possible.
  • To counsel the students whenever necessary to resolve their grievances.
  • To give advice to the students through correspondence.
  • The CGRC shall not discuss with any sub-judice grievances.
  • It shall make efforts to settle the disputes amicably.
  • To prepare and submit recommendations relating to the redressal of grievances to the concerned.
  • To consider and submit recommendations and suggestion in respect of reforms in the working of various sections/units/departments/cells of the College/ Institution relating to the redressal of grievances of students.
  • To prepare Minutes and Action Taken Report of the meeting of CGRC and submit it to the Director, Students’ Development, University of Mumbai.
  • To prepare Annual Report regarding working of the CGRC and submit it to the Director, Students’ Development, University of Mumbai.

2. Appearance before CGRC

The complainant student may appear in person. If he/she is incapable to attend / represent his/her grievances, then his/her representative (preferably parents) other than legal practitioner may be authorized to present his/her case in any proceedings before the CGRC.

3. Language of Proceedings of Meetings of CGRC

Preferably Marathi language may be used in proceedings of meetings of CGRC. The complainant student can request for any other language to the CGRC.

4. Nature of Applications to be Entertained by the CGRC

The grievances or common grievances of students related to College/ Institution only shall be considered by the CGRC.

5. Registration of Grievances on the Portal

  • Any student desiring redressal of his grievance/s may register his/her grievance/s online on the portal available on website of his/her College/Institution.
  • The student shall fill all the information required for registration and upload the supporting documents.
  • The grievances with insufficient/incomplete information shall not be entertained by CGRC.

6. Recommendations for Final Action

  • The Member Secretary shall communicate a copy of Order/Decision/Resolution to all the students whose grievances were mentioned in the agenda.
  • The Chairman and Member Secretary shall see the implementation of resolutions/ decisions made during the meeting of CGRC on top priority basis.
  • The Member Secretary shall upload the Decisions/Resolutions/ Minutes/ Action Taken Report of CGRC on the portal.
  • If the CGRC comes to the conclusion that any of the employees/officials is involved in misconduct, they can recommend departmental enquiry against him/her.

7. Appeal on the Decisions

  • The student may prefer an appeal on the decision given by CGRC to University Grievance Redressal Cell (UGRC) within 30 days from the receipt of the decision of the CGRC.
  • In such case the student shall apply again on the portal available on the website of University of Mumbai, within 30 days from the receipt of the decision of the CGRC.