CMCA’s Annual Event ‘Inspiration 2018

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As an acive member of the Life Skill Programme organized by the Youth Wing of CMCA Childrens Movement for Civic Awareness, for the S.Y.B.Com. Student of MNDC, Wajid Ali Shah took the initiative to help six girls in his neighborhood get back into school under RTE Act. He was honored with a medal recognizing his act as an Active Citizen in the CMCA’s Annual programme Inspiration on 4th August, 2018 in Birla Matoshree Hall, Marine Lines.

CMCA has stepped into the 18th year of its success. CMCA’s annual event ‘Inspiration 2018’ was organized on Saturday, 4th August, 2018 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Birla Matushri Hall, Marine Lines, Mumbai.

Mahatma Night Degree college students participated in the programme. Ten students from T.Y.B.Com. were accompanied by Associate Professor and H.O.D. of Commerce Dr. Lata Krishnan and CMCA Life Skills Tutor Ms. Brinda Ganesh to reach the venue at 9.00 a.m. sharp to get ready for the flag march.

The gathering comprised of school and college students who presented skits, songs and speeches showcasing the initiatives they had taken during the year to solve problems they faced in the society around them. The event included a Flag March and an Oath taking ceremony on the stage, by all the children representing their schools and colleges with their respective school flags.

The Chief Guest for the event was Afroz Shah (About the Chief Guest)
Afroz Shah, a young Indian lawyer from Mumbai, is synonymous with the world’s largest beach clean-up project.

In October 2015, Shah and his neighbor Harbansh Mathur, an 84-year-old who has since passed away, were frustrated with the piles of decomposing waste that had washed up and completely overwhelmed the city’s Versova beach. Determined to do something about it, the pair started cleaning up the beach themselves, one piece of rubbish at a time.

Every weekend since, Shah has inspired volunteers to join him – from slum-dwellers to Bollywood stars, from schoolchildren to politicians. They have been turning up at Versova for what Shah calls “a date with the ocean”, but what in reality means labouring shin-deep in rotting garbage under the scorching Indian sun.

So far, the volunteers have collected over 4,000 tons of trash from the 2.5 kilometre beach.

Shah, who rallied residents and fisherfolk by knocking on doors and explaining the damage marine litter causes, now plans to expand his group’s operation to prevent litter from washing down the local creek and onto the beach. He also wants to clean-up the coastline’s rubbish-choked mangrove forests, which act as a natural defence against storm surges, and to inspire similar groups across India and beyond to launch their own clean-up movements.

Shah is deservedly proud of the Versova residents’ accomplishments. Not only has the movement brought marine little to the attention of decision-makers, it is also starting to win back the beach, with decreasing amounts of new litter appearing each month.

He vows to continue his beach clean-up crusade until people and their governments around the world change their approach to producing, using and discarding plastic and other products that wash up onto beaches all over the world.

The Chief Guest Afroz Shah spoke affectionately to all the students and through his narratives inspired the audience to join him in the good work he is doing. He had a spark in his eye and said that he saw the same spark in the eyes of the young active citizens gathered in the hall.

After the skits, songs and speeches ten active citizens across schools and colleges in Mumbai were recognized for their acts of active citizenship. Medals were given to these students by the Chief Guest Afroz Shah. It was a moment of glory for the students, teachers, schools, colleges and parents who had gathered there to see the award ceremony. As an active member of the Life skills programme organized by the Youth Wing of CMCA Children’s Movement for Civic Awareness, for the S.Y.B.Com. Students of MNDC, Wajid Ali Shah took the initiative to help six girls in his neighborhood get back into school under RTE Act. He was honored with a medal recognizing his act as an Active Citizen in the CMCA’S Annual programme INSIRATION on 4th August, 2018 in Birla Matoshree Hall, Marine Lines. It was a moment of glory for all of us and for Mr. Shah (father of Wajid Ali Shah) who has present during the award ceremony.

The students and teachers of MNDC College, thank the initiative of Principal Dr. Padma Rangan to organize the CMCA Life Skills Programme for the students of S.Y.B.Com.