Soroptimist International of Chembur

Soroptimist International is a worldwide organization for women in management and the professions, working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. The word Soroptimist comes from the Latin words soror meaning ‘sister’ and optima meaning ‘best’ and loosely translates as ‘best for women’

Dr. Padma Rangan and Dr. Lata Krishnan have been members of SI, Chembur, Mumbai for 15 years. During this period both of them have worked on important positions in the Executive Committee.

Dr. Padma Rangan served as President SI, Chembur, Mumbai for two terms 2006-08 and 2008-10. She has also served in the capacity of Club Treasurer for the term 2004-06.

Dr. Lata Krishnan was the Club President in the year 1997-99. She served in the capacity of Club Treasurer for two terms from 1999-01 and 2001-03. She was the club PAC in 2006-08.

In the year 2008, she was elected as the National Programme Action Chairperson to represent India at the federation level – SIGBI.


Soroptimist International is a vibrant, dynamic organization for today’s professional and business women. We are committed to a world where women and girls together achieve their individual and collective potential, realize aspirations and have an equal voice in creating strong and peaceful communities worldwide.


Soroptimist inspire action and create opportunities to transform the lives of women and girls through a global network of members and international partnerships.

Programme Focus

The SI Programme Focus is a set of goals and objectives which relates directly to the Programme Areas. This provides the structure or ‘focus’ of all our project work.

It is updated once every four years at the International Convention and was most recently updated in Glassgow in 2007.

Goals – Soroptimist will ensure that women and girls

  • Enjoy equity and equality
  • Live in safe and healthy environments
  • Have access to education
  • Have leadership and practical skills


  • Eliminate poverty and gender discrimination through ensuring women’s full social and economic rights (ESD)
  • End human trafficking and all forms of violence against women and girls (HSW)
  • Ensure access to health care for women and girls (Health)
  • Support programmes and policies that would eliminate HIV/ AIDS, malaria, TB and other major diseases (Health)
  • Improve access to clean water, sanitation and essential food resources (ENV)
  • Mitigate the effects of climate change and integrate sustainability into personal choices and governmental policies and programme (ENV)
  • Meet the needs of women and girls during and after armed conflicts, man – made and natural disaster (IGU)
  • Promote peaceful processes for conflict resolution through encouragement of intercultural and inter racial tolerance and condemnation of all forms of genocide and terrorism (ED)
  • Ensure equal access to education and training throughout their lifespan (ED)
  • Enable women’s advancement in management, politics and decision making (ESD)

Dr. Lata Krishnan, HOD – Commerce & Accounts Department of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts & Commerce is the Programme Action Coordinator PAC of NASI – National Association of Soroptimist of India.

This is the national body that coordinates between the Soroptimist International clubs of India. Dr. Lata Krishnan is the member of SI Chembur, Mumbai.

Soroptimist International of Chembur, is a fifteen year old social organization of Professional women in service, striving for women empowerment. The Head Quarters SIGBI, Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland, celebrated 75 years as a Federation in the year 2009. The Federation has evolved during an era of societal change and economic uncertainty. It provides career women with a valuable support network and enables them to contribute their mite to society at large. They are the original ‘Professional women with a social conscience’.

Dr. Lata Krishnan, represented Soroptimist International of India at the Soroptimist International of Great Britain and Ireland 75th Conference held in Cardiff between 28th and 31st October, 2009. Dr. Daphne Pillai, the Founder President of Soroptimist International of Chembur, Mumbai too attended the Cardiff Conference. Dr. Lata Krishnan made a presentation of Soroptimist International of India projects and spoke on a SI Chennai project called “Project Hunger.” The presentation was well received by the members.