Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur-71 launched an innovative multi skilled development programme for the degree students in collaboration with the renowned Central Government Established Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Centre for Life Long Learning, Deonar.
The basic objectives of this programme were a total personality improvement to the students to enter in the competitive job market with better confidence after achieving the required potential. The programme was scheduled to conduct forty five teaching hours and impart the aptitudes like understanding oneself, responsible speaking, developing communication skills, power of taking strategic actions, building up strong interpersonal relationships and identify potential in oneself.
The resource person assigned to organise and conduct the lecture based interactive sessions by the management was the Asst. Prof. Tushar A. Pawar from the Dept. of Environmental Studies. Who had attended a training programme specifically to lead this event organised by Tata Institute of Social Science, Centre for Life Long Learning in collaboration with NSS Cell University of Mumbai.
The programme name as Youth Leadership and People Skills was inaugurated on 22nd November, 2015 in Room No. 401. In the inaugural speech Prof. Nasreen Rustomfram briefed the nature and objectives of this programme. She also conducted an Ice breaking session so that participants may come to know close to one another. Our college Principal Dr. Padma Rangan in her key note address underlined the need of attending such courses to set and achieve the goals.
To ensure the best results, a steering committee was constituted with the Principal our college, Programme Officer Tushar Pawar, Two academic representatives from TISS and Prof. Amit Yadav from Mulund College of Commerce, Mulund. A memorandum of understating was signed in between the Tata Institute of Social Science and Mahatma Night Degree College.
Before commencing the programme a pre-test was conducted for the registered participants to identify their multi levels of strength and weakness attitudes and aptitudes and their self-evaluation. After conducting several sessions one more round of self-evaluation and peers assessment were also taken to assess the graph of the curriculum. As this academic year is about to conclude, the next phase this programme will be started soon after the college reopens in June 2016 for the next academic year.