Commerce Quiz Organized by Commerce Association

Home > Co-curricular Activities 2023-24 > Commerce Quiz Organized by Commerce Association
Name of the EventCommerce Quiz Organized by Commerce Association on 11th August, 2023
Organized byThe Department of Commerce, Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur.
Objective of the Session
To stimulate students’ interest and understanding of Commerce subjects.
Date & Time and venue of the ProgramFriday 11th August, 2023 8.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. in class room no. 301, 401 and 404
Organizing TeamThe Department of Commerce,
Dr. Eknath Zhrekar - Principal
Dr. Anaya Markandeya - IQAC Coordinator, Member
Dr. Lata Krishnan, Head, Department of Commerce
AudienceStudents of F.Y.B.Com., S.Y.B.Com., T.Y.B.Com.
No. of Participants51 students from F.Y.B.Com.
52 students from S.Y.B.Com.
39 students from T.Y.B.Com.
A total of 142 students participated in the Commerce Quiz
No. of Beneficiary142 students of F.Y.B.Com. S.Y.B.Com. and T.Y.B.Com participated in the Commerce Quiz

The Commerce Association was inaugurated by Principal Dr. Eknath Zhrekar in the F.Y.B.Com class after which the first event of the Commerce Association was rolled out. The Commerce Quiz – Subject – Accountancy and Financial Management for F.Y.B.Com, Advertising I for S.Y.B.Com. and Direct and Indirect Taxation for T.Y.B.Com.

The respective subject teachers prepared the online quiz on Google forms. 20 questions with 40% passing. Scores were given to the students and online certificates created in certify em were provided to students who scored 40% and more scores in the Commerce Quiz. After the quiz the students were able to check their performance and study the correct answers.

The quiz was a fun way to engage with the topic and helped in bettering their understanding of important concepts in Accounts, Advertising and Direct and Indirect Tax.

At 8.30 p.m. after the inauguration of the Commerce Association, Dr. Anaya Madam released the link for the Direct and Indirect Taxation Quiz in classroom no. 301 for the T.Y.B.Com students in their official WhatsApp group for MNDC Sem. V. Dr. Eknath Zhrekar released the link for the Advertising I Quiz for the students of S.Y.B.Com in their official WhatsApp group MNDC Sem III group. Dr. Lata Krishnan released the Accountancy and Financial Management Quiz for the F.Y.B.Com students in their F.Y.B.Com. official WhatsApp group at 8.30 pm.

All the classes completed the quiz by 9.00 p.m. Students who scored 40% and above received their certificates with scores. A total of 142 students participated in the Commerce Quiz. They were happy to participate and thrilled to receive their certificates.

The Commerce Quiz organized by the Commerce Association was well received by all the students of the college. The event was a success!