Faculty Development Workshop on “Financial Wellness and Mental Health with Yoga”

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Date: 3rd to 8th April, 2023

The Faculty Development Workshop on Financial Wellness and Mental Health with Yoga was specifically tailored for the teaching and non-teaching staff of Mahatma Night Degree College. This comprehensive five-day event aimed to enhance the overall well-being of the college staff by addressing both financial and mental health aspects. The workshop featured expert resource persons who shared valuable insights and practical knowledge.

Day 1 – Investment Planning, Importance of Insurance (Resource Person – Dr. Prithvi Desai):

The workshop commenced with Dr. Prithvi Desai providing a detailed understanding of investment planning and the critical role of insurance. The teaching and non-teaching staff gained insights into effective investment strategies and risk management. Dr. Desai’s expertise laid a solid foundation for making informed financial decisions in alignment with their individual goals.

Day 2 – Investment Avenues, Risk and Returns, SIP, Gold, Stocks, Real Estate (Resource Person – Dr. Prithvi Desai):

Dr. Prithvi Desai continued his sessions on the second day, exploring various investment avenues. Staff members were introduced to Systematic Investment Plans (SIP), gold investments, stock market participation, and real estate considerations. The day provided a holistic view of potential investment options, considering the diverse financial backgrounds of the teaching and non-teaching staff.

Day 3 – Importance of Mental Health, Food and Mental Health (Resource Person – Mr. Anwar Sheikh):

The third day focused on mental health awareness, with Mr. Anwar Sheikh addressing the significance of maintaining a healthy mental state. The session delved into the connection between nutrition and mental health, offering practical advice on adopting a balanced lifestyle. Both teaching and non-teaching staff gained insights into the impact of diet on mental well-being.

Day 4 – Dietary Plan and Yoga Exercise for Mental Health (Resource Person – Mr. Anwar Sheikh):

Mr. Anwar Sheikh continued his engagement on Day 4, providing a detailed dietary plan for mental health. Staff members were introduced to specific yoga exercises designed to alleviate stress and improve focus. The practical approach integrated nutrition and yoga as essential components of a holistic mental health regimen, catering to the well-being of all participants.

Day 5 – Important Yoga Mudras (Resource Person – Dr. Lata Krishnan):

The final day focused on the practical application of yoga for mental health, with Dr. Lata Krishnan guiding both teaching and non-teaching staff through important yogic mudras. The session equipped staff members with practical tools to incorporate mindfulness practices into their daily routines, promoting overall well-being.

The Faculty Development Workshop on Financial Wellness and Mental Health with Yoga tailored for Mahatma Night Degree College staff proved to be a tailored and enriching experience. By addressing the specific needs of both teaching and non-teaching staff, the workshop successfully contributed to the holistic well-being of the college community. Positive feedback received highlighted the workshop’s success in addressing the diverse aspects of the staff’s financial and mental health concerns.