The Collaborative Activities for the Institution at State Level
Students of Mahatma Night Degree College and faculty members were part of collaborative projects with Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research, Navi Mumbai in the preparation of study report submitted to MSME, Mumbai.
The main objective of the study was to understand the current status of exports on the state of Maharashtra with the composition of routes and services. In order to focus on specific sector and markets abroad. It is also aimed at understanding the contributory role of MSME as enabler for export drive through this study, many inter related areas were covered such as generation of employment in various sectors, common requirements of commercial infrastructure, market promotional measures and limitation and financial support available but not properly used by the needy segment. The research methodology included two main sources of activity, namely sourcing of secondary data and collection of primary data.
The students of our institute participated in the primary data collection activity through interaction and formalized questionnaire on a one to one bases from the manufacturer exporter, trader exporter and producer exporter using a structured questionnaire in the areas in and around Mumbai region.