Disaster Management Workshop

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Name of the Event Disaster Management Workshop - An NSS Event
Date & Time of the ProgramFriday 6th January, 2023
Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Venue Room No. 404 of MNDC Chembur Campus
Resource PersonMr. Madhu Kadam, Ex-Divisional Warden, Chembur Division, Civil Defence
No. of Participants66 students
  • To understand disasters and learn disaster management techniques.

  • To learn about the Civil Defence Training programme.
OrganizersThe NSS Unit of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur, Mumbai
Programme OfficersAsst. Prof. Dr. Tushar Pawar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lata Krishnan
No. of Beneficiary 66 students attended the talk. 35 boys and 31 girls

NSS Programme Officer Dr. Tushar Pawar made the opening remarks and welcomed the resource person Mr. Madhu Kadam. NSS Programme Officer Dr. Lata Krishnan welcomed the resource person with a bouquet of flowers. Mr. Madhu Kadam explained with examples the meaning of disaster and various types of disasters. He distinguished between natural and man-made disasters.

The concept of “Disaster Management” and the importance of disaster management to help save the lives of people was clearly explained. He stressed on the fact that people are not aware about safety precautions and hence man-made disasters occur. Mr. Madhu Kadam demonstrated simple techniques to help victims in the scene of disaster.

The knowledge of first aid, various simple disaster management techniques and the importance of remaining calm and composed in the event of disaster were well explained. Various examples were shared.

Mr. Madhu Kadam gave the students all the details of the Civil Defence Training Programme and stressed the importance of every student enrolling for this training programme.

NSS Programme Office Dr. Lata Krishnan proposed the vote of thanks.