NSS Activities 2021-22

RAJU KOLI – Best NSS Volunteer Award at the University Level Special Camp

Name of the Event University Level Special Camp of 150 NSS volunteers at Ashtang Yog and Naturopathy Sansthan, Vrindavan Dhyan Mandir, Jambhilghar, Boradpada Road, Badlapur (East), Thane
Theme: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
Organized byThe NSS Cell University of Mumbai jointly with S.S.T College of Commerce, Ulhasnagar, Thane.
Objective of the
Yoga and naturopathy for a healthy body, mind and spirit
Date & Time of the Program20th to 26th March, 2022
Resource PersonsYoga Gurus and resource persons of Ashtang Yog and Naturopathy Sansthan, Vrindavan Dhyan Mandir, Jambhilghar, Boradpada Road, Badlapur (East), Thane conducted the yoga training programme at the camp.
Audience 150 NSS volunteers across all colleges affiliated to the University of Mumbai
No of Participants150 participants attended the workshop
No of Beneficiary 150 participants benefited from the Camp.
1 NSS volunteer from MNDC

The 7 day residential University Level Special Camp was conducted for 150 NSS volunteers from across colleges affiliated to University of Mumbai. Only one student per college was permitted to register. Raju Koli a young F.Y.B.Com. NSS volunteer of the college showed interest and was selected to participate in the University level Special Camp in Thane district.

Raju Koli reported every day’s proceedings to the NSS Programme Officer Dr. Lata Krishnan. He explained the daily routine which consisted of rising very early in the morning and performing Yoga asanas. They were taught yoga, both asanas and the theory behind it. Raju Koli explained that he learned about the need and importance of yoga and a disciplined simple life at the camp. They told him that Yoga is being practiced in all parts of the world. Yoga brings peace for us. The peace from Yoga is not only for individuals, it brings peace to our nations and the world,”

  1. Yama – principles of moral code (Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigah)
  2. Niyama – principles of personal discipline (Shoucha, Santosh, Tapa, Swadhyaya, Eshwar Pranidan)
  3. Asana – yoga positions or yogic postures – A stable and comfortable posture which helps attain mental equilibrium
  4. Pranayama – yogic breathing – Extension and control of breath
  5. Pratyahara – withdrawal of senses – A mental preparation to increase the power of mind.
  6. Dharana – concentration on object – Concentration of mind on one object and its field.
  7. Dhyan – meditation – Withdrawing mind from all external objects and focussing it on one point and meditating on it.
  8. Samadhi – salvation – State of super bliss, joy and merging individual consciousness into universal consciousness. Union between Jivatma and Paramataman. Pure consciousness.

Besides yoga, Leadership skills, Team building, Communication Skills and responsibility and accountability training was imparted to the NSS volunteers at the camp. Cultural programmes, music and dance, street play and dramatics were included for portraying social awareness and patriotic themes at the University level Special Camp.

Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur, Mumbai, F.Y.B.Com. NSS volunteer Raju Koli participated in all the tasks, activities and competitions and was identified as the best camper. He was awarded the BEST NSS VOLUNTEER of the University level Special Camp in Ashtang Yog and Naturopathy Sansthan, Vrindavan Dhyan Mandir, Jambhilghar, Boradpada Road, Badlapur (East), Thane.