Study Tour to RBI Monetary Museum

Home > Industrial Visits 2021-22 > Study Tour to RBI Monetary Museum
Name of the EventA Study Tour to RBI Monetary Museum on 10th March, 2022
Organized byThe Department of Commerce and the Department of Economics of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce, Chembur, Mumbai 71
Objective of the sessionTo study the evolution of money in India
Contact PersonShri P. V. Radhakrishnan, Curator of the RBI Monetary Museum, Fort, Mumbai
Date & Time of the Program10th March, 2022 from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
VenueRBI Monetary Museum, Amar Building RBI, Ground Floor, Sir Phirozshah Mehta Road, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400001
No. of Participants50 students from F.Y.B.Com., S.Y.B.Com. and T.Y.B.Com.
The RBI Monetary Museum insisted that only 50 students participate in order to follow Covid-19 protocol. All students had taken 2 Covid-19 vaccines and wore face masks. Social distancing norms were followed.
Teacher CoordinatorsAsst. Prof. Harsh Shukla
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lata Krishnan
Number of Beneficiaries50 students of the college

A Study Tour was organised for the students of Mahatma Night Degree College of Arts and Commerce to visit the RBI Monetary Museum, Fort with an objective to study the evolution of money.

The students and teacher coordinators assembled at the RBI Monetary Museum gate at 10.45 a.m. Two groups of 25 students each were formed. The first group was taken to the audio visual room to see a documentary on the evolution of money. The second group was taken to the museum to study the artifacts and understand the evolution of money. As the audio visual system was out of order the curator of the museum assembled all the 50 students in the museum and interacted with them. He asked them questions about money and its features. The students answered correctly and confidently. The evolution and history of money was traced right until the demonetisation period and the issue of the new currency notes in India. The students were engrossed in the interesting discussion.

After this talk the students lined up to study the artifacts in the museum. They were amazed at the manner in which money evolved right from the barter exchange system, commodity money, metallic money, coins and currency notes and plastic money. The measuring system, metric system were also on display and well explained. The RBI Monetary Museum study tour experience was thrilling and the students learned immensely. Money as a universal medium of exchange and measure of value was clearly understood.

A group picture was taken at the end of the tour and the students returned with notes on paper and notes in memory of the interesting facts learned. The students thanked the Department of Commerce and Department of Economics for arranging this study tour.